- "At 6 o'clock the hens began to make sounds, not those common chickens, sounds ... sometimes seemed dentures with Parkinson's, other, fingernails scratching a blackboard and when was the wailing lucky day playboy girls. The lucky days were the inspiration to get up and walk in column to the room where we waited half dozens and dozens of dolls killed by his "little princecitas." (is quotation marks because it says laughing as the fat from high school in American movies.)
- "Hey, half an hour ago who is treating this man. A picture is very tender, which it feels is missing in your lap and a glass of milk as she tells the history!. "
The old supports his glasses on the counter and with a calm voice says, - "Look boy, I hope you do not miss the fourteenth season of Lost, as he went down in the business-to-eat hamburger is the seventh in the day. But I have a story, I guess you already know, they repeat all Sunday night, or today, so rest assured that hunger or plot is not going to die. In addition, I take the audacity to tell a story like this is not going to see or a channel for children, except to go to the library, which I doubt, because there are still vending cow fat. "
The Lord was astonished at his place without saying a word, I looked at the old more attentive than ever and said: - "These believers do not know how to wait, I finished the story, do not mind, no?." With
my belly for help and with my eyes seeing the of this man rejoiced with joy and enthusiasm I had no response that: - "No, of course not."
- "In which we ... ah yes! On the issue of snotty ... In this room we spent the whole afternoon, arranging for a couple of crazy or mismatched to their cords, creative people those related to art, nobody knew what he wanted. After Hence, the bathroom, full of flies and mucous membranes, you slip with anything but water, but I had my wits, sisi. had stolen small noses of dolls and had beaten on the soles of my shoes, That grip!, ideal for a shower moldy. Finally, all our days were the same, expect for that time because We knew we were going to do that, it was like this knows that the heel is put talc, every day. wanted something different, all 58. We saw difficult because we were in the middle of the sea on an island but did not see or palm trees or sand or nymphs. Only the sea, we knew that behind that fog was the great land that we expected with lots of things to do, so we could pick and choose by color, height, degree of risk of fire and weight. We finally settled, no sleep and bind all the sheets and the hair of dolls we could find. With a pair of braces did a springboard to bed our jump out longer and precise and clear, too, much more fun. "
Then I interrupted. -" Excuse me, "You were in jail?."
- "Prison my dear, are different things. In those days it was illegal to use the bottle of milk to make fresh water, said it cut the cycle of creaminess. I was a criminal, I accept. But guys, do not interrupt me after that was not, in what was?. "
" The Great Escape "- said.
-" Oh yeah! At that time, one of us asked for help, moving his arms and spitting, is that poor ... We were sweating to waterfalls and the lustiest always goes down. Change of place and continue to fall, fresh water we play!. I were free!, As children without floats or moms watching, though ... something if we watched, were formidable portfolio of luxury with sharp teeth and tails LF. we must be wrong then! I would have preferred a sandwich buttermilk. all scared, tried to run, sorry, swimming in all directions, but ... we did not know it was for all sides. However, in the midst of so many splashes (not the chicken, potatoes and mayonnaise) in July climbed to see one of these great beasts smiling and riding as if his new pet. We all realized this and started to investigate. Some touched his ears and made a swab of your finger, others were taught the alphabet as if they could understand and the more daring stories drew on his teeth as he drew the scale.
You see, these animals were completely harmless, they came to join us in our flight and had been part of us, in just 15 minutes, which takes a McCombo 4 to be delivered. Here you have sir.
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