The semester ended a week ago and on Wednesday began the final exams. It was also the graduation ceremony, but that ... for another postit.
Final exams take place during the month of December and after classes are over.
There are several sites located throughout the campus where they are held. English tests are almost always done in one of the gyms campus. The organization is impressive. In this room looks about 500 students from different asigaturas. But let's start from the beginning ...
1) Final examinations are designed by professors at the department with more than one month before the date fixed by the university. Is drawn, is reviewed and sent to the central office.
2) On test day the teacher is only half an hour so that students can ask questions related to the subject after that time, the teacher goes and prays that there are no faults. In fact, it reads from before so there is no bug that forces you to make an announcement over the PA, which disturb the students of philosophy or quantum physics are also being considered at the same time that the English subjunctive.
3) The court room is a distributed testing, control and check the cards of the examined students, collect the tests and put in an envelope ... anyway ... ensures that everything runs without any problems.
4) In the room desks are arranged from A to Y, with 20 desks per letter. Students receive by email the exact location of each review, so that once the doors open everyone knows where they stand and each teacher knows exactly where their students.
4) After the test will come to the office an envelope group you have. And come back to pray that no student has not missed because if you can not go for a good cause, you have to write a review.
And there are tests now, waiting for a miracle and corrected alone ...
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