Yesterday was very active in Haiti. Improved health care for many of the wounded and rescue teams made it to where several people remained under the rubble of buildings. Improved food distribution and the UN secretary general, Ban Ki-Moon, visited Port-au-Prince and saw the damage.
PUERTO PRINCIPE. .- AFP The "miracles" and violence in Haiti yesterday alternated with the discovery, five days after the quake, more people alive from the ruins of a Port-au-Prince increasing looting and starving survivors wander sunshine just.
A member of the Danish Mission to the UN Stabilization in Haiti (MINUSTAH) was rescued in good health yesterday, after spending nearly five days under the rubble.
"I just pulled it back without a scratch," said a senior official of MINUSTAH, who requested anonymity, referring to the survivor Jen Kristensen.
At dawn on Sunday, rescuers had rescued three people found in the rubble of the supermarket: a 7 year old girl, a man of 34 and a woman of 50 who had the fortune of being surrounded by food. A fourth person, a man still alive under the rubble waiting to be removed. These four people are added to the 70 survivors found so far in the rubble of Port au Prince by the 43 international teams at the site, totaling 1,739 rescuers and 161 dogs.
teams could reach 60% of the areas most affected by the earthquake. "The morale of rescue teams is still very good despite the difficulties and conditions" in which they have to work, told AFP on Sunday in Geneva Elisabeth Byrs, spokeswoman for the Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs UN. However, the situation of the thousands of homeless people roaming the streets in the heat is "desperate" as the International Committee of the Red Cross.
Dodging the carcasses still accumulated in the streets, they all seek international aid, which comes with a dropper and call for medical assistance to some hospitals overwhelmed, five days after the quake of magnitude 7 according to the WHO would be left between 40,000 and 50,000 dead.
few dozen as usual went to Mass at the cathedral. At the sight of the temple destroyed, the priest Landasse Marie Henry raising his hands to heaven, exclaimed, "there are things difficult to understand without the eyes of faith."
And the true magnitude of the disaster emerged slowly. In Leogane, 17 km from Port au Prince and the epicenter of the quake, 90% of buildings were destroyed, according to the UN. "This is truly the epicenter of the quake and many, many people died, "exclaims David Orr of the GPA. "The soldiers speak of 20,000 to 30,000 dead." NGO Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) opened an emergency hospital in Carrefour, a district near Leogane and launched an urgent appeal for equipment carrying medical supplies to arrive as soon as possible.
For its part, the teams of the NGO Médecins du Monde (MDM) said on Sunday that the situation is "catastrophic" and regretted not being left with no alternative but to amputate many victims whose limbs were crushed during the violent earthquake. In the general hospital, "the court was invaded by makeshift beds. As the morgue is full of corpses rotting in the ground," said one doctor.
Armed with machetes
The sound of bullets is increasingly common, as well as the presence of men armed with machetes. On Saturday, two Dominicans were seriously injured when unidentified bullet fired at them while doing humanitarian relief work.
On Sunday, the Haitian police opened fire on a group of looters, killing at least one when hundreds of people looted a market. The robber, aged about 30, was killed by shots to the head, another man quickly grabbed the bag of the deceased.
In Cité Soleil, the largest slum of Port au Prince, people feel "completely abandoned": "the only trucks that pass through here are full of dead," says one woman. "They say the government is receiving millions but we have not seen anything. We live in the street with our children and we have to go," laments Islaine, who like many Haitians decided to leave Port au Prince to another province.
70.000 people have been buried
Port au Prince. EFE. A total of 70,000 people killed in the earthquake last Tuesday in Haiti have been buried so far, while the government has declared a state of emergency until the end of the month.
The death toll was provided by the Secretary of State for Literacy, Carol Joseph, Radio Metropole reported today, one of the most played in the country.
addition to the state of emergency, which suspended several constitutional guarantees, the government has declared a national mourning period of 30 days from yesterday until 17 February.
The bodies continue to surface under the debris are transported to mass graves, which are covered with a lime solution, explained Health Minister Alex Larsen.
rescued 70 people
The 43 teams from around the world seeking earthquake survivors Tuesday in the Haitian capital have managed to rescue more than 70 people, said a UN spokeswoman agencies, including the owner of a hotel that was extracted from the rubble alive early Sunday. In Geneva, the spokesman said Sunday that the success rate is unusually high for a search operation coordinated by the UN, even if it seems small at the scale of the disaster. Byrs said morale is high among the more than 1.739 rescuers.