A film course spent another half with no time to write a blog post, now having spent the semester, we deliver notes, meetings and more meetings did and we met again ... now I will have something that was done during the semester, such as a cinema course.
I love movies. As an accomplished amateur movies whenever I can and as a teacher I also try to bring the film into the classroom whenever I can. Currently the features of the courses that I have (3 hours per week) do not give a little more to include a scene and make the resulting didactic exploitation. But this semester I taught a course on film as well, so, as is, cinema, not language general, no, film, and there I explayao to 'what I wanted. I just got me wrong, but ... HOURS THAT HE ATE!
I tell you a little
Course features:
- Course on "English film" but given in English, open to the entire university, not only to English students
- 3 hours per week for 14 weeks. Screening of the film out of those 3 hours of lessons
- 3 hours spread over 1 hour of presentation (Tuesday) + screening of the film. 2 hours of discussion, debate, presentation of topics related to film and film language
- One movie per week (except first being the presentation)
- Students who mostly (28 students in total) are looking for complete credits
The list of films are made and remade hundreds and hundreds of times, until finally I put those in the power point. The selection of films
took into account the following criteria:
- English subtitles
- "found" in the university library, that students have access to them easily (luckily the university has a comprehensive film library )
- The more you cover English-speaking countries, the better
- Variety
topic - If possible, produced in the last 20 years
The result I think has been very positive. Although I leave here some comments
me and my students that I found somewhat surprising:
- Some have found it hard to see a movie every week
- Many do not know Casablanca, Hitchcock and The Godfather ... to give an example.
- have had to make group presentations of films and the research and presentation of various topics and issues covered by each film has been more than covered. I am pleasantly surprised.
- have participated actively in discussions and we even tried to not only find the differences that separate cultures, but also what is what unites us and surprisingly there are.
- I think they have learned to look a little closer at the cinema in a city where all major project rooms and American blockbusters leaves little room for small producers.
I leave here
syllabus and PowerPoint
the last day of class where they explained each title to see why we had seen this or that movie, where they discussed what had attracted attention and explained what film meant to them. FIN