were held last week in a Uni e-learning days . He had called for teachers, students and university employees to submit projects related to new technologies. I cheered and presented the project HONGKOÑOL as it is and that he had developed last year with my advance team.
The HONGKOÑOL is an online magazine, in which the contents are made and students.
The DAYS. This is the first time I made a "poster" and I love the idea. Each participant presented his draft schematically in a poster of 140cm x 90cm, it explain what you want and however you want: a brief project description, objectives, results ...
* It is important not to put too much text,
* It's okay to include an image that supports the text, diagrams and arrows
* help you understand what you explain.

There were about 30 projects with taitantos respective officers, all colocaditos front of our poster and anyone who was interested in what you explained there, stand and speak directly with you. A rather interactive for all. Relajadito atmosphere, everyone learns ...
I liked, I liked
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