I explain:
The course I teach is one of its objectives show any section related to the culture of English-speaking countries. Is given in English and he can attend any college student has studied English or not.
But whether or not English students think it's a shame you do not know what is the real magic for example, or who is Lorca and Gabriel García Márquez. These themes or characters can be presented in a transparent manner under the heading of "Adaptations"
So because last year we saw in this section "Like Water for Chocolate" as an excuse to see the "magical realism" and "House of Bernarda Alba" for the figure of Lorca.
I would add to this that the selection of films depends on many factors:
- What is needed or not with subtitles (English or English)
- that may be of interest to students
- that is available the copy want ...
factors that make them all forget you should finally show you that I was required or obliged to see one that is not exactly to your liking.
When we saw "Like Water for Chocolate" seemed "old fashioned" and not understood cases of magical realism that could occur because it seemed ridiculous, senseless and too "farfetched"
With "The House of Bernarda Alba" is supremely bored. Lorca loved it, but the film ... slow, boring ...
So certain is that I will not judge these comments, as those two films this year are not in the program.
As in the past resorted to the distribution list FORMESPA to resolve the blockade movie selection. Again, thanks to the contributions of its components, I solved the list for my course and the way I made a list of 100 movies based on novels, stories and plays of English-speaking authors. Most are works of English, so here remains to be done. I have also tried to filter some productions that I've been finding and finally I chose those made in the past 30 years. I leave
also links that I have recommended that we find either more information or some adaptations:
- File English Radio Television
HERE - Video - Summary of certain literary works: HERE
- Library Cervantes Institute: HERE
- Susana Cañuelo has done an excellent job around this issue, as seen in his thesis and some of his work: The Film Fitting your classroom ELE. Classic -adapted. Database his thesis "Cinema, Literature and Translation" .
- also thanks to the Susana di database eplículas Ministry of Culture. If you write "based" on the tab -argumento/guión- and year (for example, to narrow a little) you appear adaptations (but check it after the tab for the movie because sometimes it is "based on the script director "for example)
And here I leave the document with the 100 movies:
CINE_Adaptaciones film
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