It's happened more than once and about to pay the cashier at the supermarket, it has realized that only carry a tube of toothpaste, when the offer was to take 3 ... ERROR! and after "reasonable attempt" to it (do not speak English, do not speak Cantonese) we had to rush out for another two tubes of pasta, so the cashier does not throw us out of anger for wasting the "opportunity." In addition to the rest accordingly huff the queue to go read his thoughts: "I knew I put in the wrong queue."
Let's see, two people are home. If no offer of "buy a watermelon and take another," for us is a waste because a) for work, tiredness, laziness ... do not eat hardly ever at home, we can not eat these two watermelons in weeks, after which, you realize that you have to throw half a watermelon and b) the space here is really low ... ¿Where do I put DOS WATERMELONS?? How neighbor's house? Then put it in vase if you will, but you get 2.
One of the deals we have these supermarkets is completing an album with minisellos. Receive a stamp for every $ 50 purchase, for every certain number of stamps have a choice of a gift. This time the gifts were different types of pots and pans. If you have a few seals the pot is tiny and if you have many, you can take a great wook. As the space, again, is reduced, we reject the wook, but a small scoop was good for us. Unfortunately, Liam us your mailing and if by our expected cazito 50 stamps needed, and we hit 150. Suspecting what might happen, but with a strength of mind which outnumbered us, my Blessed Husband and I approached the post of "I give you your dinner."
Well then, there have with laughter a huge pot and we have not released, but the cashier was so pleased to see that we had saved from committing a serious "mistake."
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