American Writer (New York, 1891 - Los Angeles, 1980). Henry Miller is undoubtedly one of the leading talents of contemporary American literature and the paradigm of peaceful dissident, anarchist of his time. All his work is autobiographical and existential, hence the depth of his convictions, expressed in his commitment to literature as inalienable personal way. In 1934 he published the Tropic of Cancer, a work that will be released simultaneously in English and French. Conflicts with the censors keep this unpublished work in North America until 1961, at this time, Miller will be anointed master of the sexual revolution proclaimed the day, it was bluntly explicit sexual situations and showed a corrosive irony in referring to the supposed values \u200b\u200bof Puritanism in either French or American version .
In both works is the same lack of structure, the same chaos verbal, open use of interior monologue, broken rhythms, use of flashback, extensive cataloging to Whitman and especially abundant metaphors and images of surrealist roots.
was absolutely contradictory character, a mystic known for his writings sex, a romantic who wanted be a libertine, a sexist vistoriano old-fashioned, however, could be extremely attentive and affectionate with women, a man accused of being anti-Semite who loved and admired the Jews, oblivious to the prejudices and political dogmatism, especially , cultivated what the poet Karl Shapiro called "wisdom literature." If we are classifying defícil "novels" of Miller and underestimate, because the judge is through the prism of some unwritten rule that states what constiyuye a "good build throughout novel." And his novels lack structure. In fact, racy novels, lacking discipline and wild. But full of wisdom and have this "eternal freshness" to Ezra Pound defined as the mark of a true classic.
Sex in H. Miller
What did the sex and why Miller was willing to risk everything to describe so vividly in his books?
deciding to be explicit at all costs, Miller is lined with a few: DH Lawrence, Joyce, William Burroughs ... Why I thought that was so fundamental in human beings?
Miller gives a clear answer " The world of sex"
" sometimes register a sexual act is simply something momentous. Sometimes it becomes sexual a wall full of vibrant colors as we see in Indian temples. Sometimes it's a cool hidden in a sacred cave where we can sit and contemplate the things of the spirit. I forbid myself nothing within the realm of sex. It is a cold fire that burns within us like a sun. Is never dead, but the sun can turn into moon. There is nothing dead in the universe: it is our thinking that kills. "
Sexus In his book, belonging to the Crucifixion trilogy pink, there are numerous considerations to be discussed:
About love,
"When a man begins to indulge full expression, when you can express yourself without fear of ridicule, ostracism or presecución, the first thing he will do is drop your love in spurts. In the history of human love are still in the first chapter. Do we have more than a dozen heroes and heroines of love to show examples? I doubt we have even as many lovers as illustrious saints. Tenemoseruditos in abundance, and kings and emperors, and statesmen and soldiers, and artists in profusion, and inventors, discoverers, explorers ... but where are the great lovers?
Abelard and Heloise, or Antony and Cleopatra, or the history of Taj Mahal, Tristan and Isolde ... how powerful spell still carries on the modern world that legend! In the fictional landscape of love stands out as the snowcapped peak of Mount Fuji. "
... despite all external evidence that we are joined, linked, to be friendly, jovial, helpful, understanding, almost fraternal, we are a lonely people, sick and crazed herd that is stirred from one place to another fantastic grip of a frenzy, trying to forget that not what we think we are, we are not really united ...
... Occasionally someone suddenly awakens, comes off the rubber absurd we're stuck, the gibberish we call everyday life and not life, but a trance-like suspension of the mainstream of life, and that person who, not agreeing with the general pattern seems completely mad, is invested with foreign powers, discovers that he can separate thousands and thousands of the herd, cut off the ropes, head them, fill them with joy, or madness, that change of character, physiognomy, even soul ...
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